Tag: install

  • Business as usual in the Covid-19 pandemic

    For customers using RimuHosting services, we don’t expect the covid-19 pandemic will have any impact on our provision of services for you to use. Existing servers are continuing to operate as normal and for now, provision of new services is also operating as normal. We have spare capacity available to cater for extra demand. It…

  • CentOS 8 available

    The long awaited release of CentOS 8 64bit is now available with new installs from our order pages at https://rimuhosting.com/order/v2orderstart.jsp. It’s also an option to consider if you reinstall an existing VPS. CentOS8 was formally released on 24 Sep 2019. The official release notes are available at https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS8.1905. CentOS8 will be supported until 30 Sep…

  • LXD containers now available for Ubuntu

    The latest Ubuntu LTS release, Xenial 16.04 , comes with support for a container system called LXD.  LXD builds on the existing LXC container system, allowing for more convenient management of those containers. In this post I show how you can test out LXD containers on a Rimu VPS running Ubuntu 16.04.  I assume you…

  • Install ownCloud on a Rimu VPS

    Owncloud is a popular file storage and synchronization system, with many additional features available for it.  It’s a self-hosted alternative to systems like dropbox, but with owncloud your files are stored on your own servers.  This allows you to meet requirements to keep data in a certain jurisdiction, for example, or it might give you…

  • Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal install images

    We are proud to announce the release of the new installer images for Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal Server Edition. It is available as an reinstall option for existing servers, or in the new servers orders page The version is intended for those looking at getting newer versions of the packages for the 12.04 LTS (long…

  • WordPress install script

    We like wordpress, a lot of our customers love it too. WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog, it is normally called a CMS too. We have created a script for automating the install of the last version of wordpress, even though installing wordpress is quite a trivial…

  • JBoss AS 7.1 install script

    JBoss Application Server (or JBoss AS) is an open-source Java EE-based application server. It has been optimized for multiples cores, it has a very fast startup time and a great low memory consumption. We have created a new version of the jboss install script. Jboss 7 changed a lot the way it is configured, that…

  • Jira Issue Tracker install script

    Recently I posted about a script to install Confluence. At the same time I was working on an install script for the Jira® issue tracker (also from Atlassian®) as the underlying setup is quite similar and they are often used together. Jira is great for keep track of issues while providing a lot of tools…

  • Confluence Wiki install script

    Quite often lately we have been asked to set up a Java based wiki, or customers have asked specifically for Confluence® (made by Atlassian® ) by name. Confluence is a powerful and sometimes complex piece of software, so to make the setup for that easier I created an install script. In a very short time…

  • Tomcat 7 released, installer updated

    Tomcat is one the most popular Java servlet/JSP containers. Tomcat 6 has been out since 2006 and the Tomcat team has just announced the first stable release of Tomcat 7. At the time of writing version 7.06 is the latest stable release. Tomcat 7 implements the Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2 and EL 2.2 specifications. Along…