Is your WordPress install exploitable?

WordPress is a great application.  e.g. we are using it here for this brand new blog.

The irony is that the first post on this blog is a security alert on a WordPress exploit.

There is a good summary of the issue at

Are you running WordPress?  We do not install it on accounts by default.  But if you had requested we install it you may have it.  Or if you give others the ability to upload files to your server then they may have installed it on your server.

We are working on a script that will help detect and possible fix exploitable installs for any of our customers affected by this.

With WordPress you can go to the Dashboard and run the upgrade automatically.  We recommend you backup your files before you do this.  Particularly if you have edited themes or customized your install files.

As always, if you ever need a hand with anything, just pop in a support ticket and let us know how we can help.