Rimuhosting does Software Freedom Day

Well I’m sure most geeks out there have heard of Software Freedom Day, it was the same day as Talk like a Pirate day!  I’m glad however that most people forgot ‘Talk Like a Pirate’ day however, since a good portion of the NZ Rimuhosting staff were helping out at the local SFD.

John, Paul, and myself (Liz) are all members of the local Linux User Group (in fact John and I are on the committee) so happily went along to help out. Peter welcomed the chance to support local Linux users so Rimuhosting donated a pile if USB keys which we loaded up with various open source software packages.

We had demonstrations of various setups of Linux, all sorts of give aways of Open and Free software on CD, and a room with on-going talks about Free Software related things.

Here are a couple of photos:

You can find more at http://www.flickr.com/photos/wishes/sets/72157622284205669/