Happy holidays 2012
Thank you to all our wonderful customers for your business in 2012. A number of our staff are taking a break over Christmas and the New Year to be with friends and family. And to take advantage of this beautiful kiwi summer. Sometimes downtime really is a good thing. So we will be operating with…
Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal install images
We are proud to announce the release of the new installer images for Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal Server Edition. It is available as an reinstall option for existing servers, or in the new servers orders page The version is intended for those looking at getting newer versions of the packages for the 12.04 LTS (long…
Custom VPS Image via API
The RimuHosting server management API can be used to create new servers (and shut them down and reinstall them and more). The API lets you pass in scripts that run during setup. And to provide links to external files. This lets you do some interesting things. Like using the API to setup a custom image. …