The long awaited release of CentOS 8 64bit is now available with new installs from our order pages at https://rimuhosting.com/order/v2orderstart.jsp. It’s also an option to consider if you reinstall an existing VPS. CentOS8 was formally released on 24 Sep 2019.
The official release notes are available at https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS8.1905.
CentOS8 will be supported until 30 Sep 2029. It is based on sources used by well known enterprise platforms, and will provide a reliable long term install target for new projects.
Support is included for recent version of Nginx 1.14, Apache 2.4, and modern SSL standards. Native php-fpm packages are supplied, meaning your server can be easily secured with user isolation, even for performance driven dynamic sites.
Python libraries are at major version 3.6, with only very limited support for venerable Python 2.x versions.
CentOS8 introduces important package manager changes compared to traditional rpm based distributions. Yum continues to be a functional package manager, but the dnf tool is now the preferred way to manage installation and updates of new software. Dnf is a key part of the bundled Stream technology, which allows users to install discreet stacks of programs, extending support for vendor provided packages to run cleanly and safely along side system supplied versions on the same server.
You can install servers with CentOS8 right now at https://rimuhosting.com/order/v2orderstart.jsp. Please do contact us if you have any questions.