Category: Rimuhosting

  • Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal install images

    We are proud to announce the release of the new installer images for Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal Server Edition. It is available as an reinstall option for existing servers, or in the new servers orders page The version is intended for those looking at getting newer versions of the packages for the 12.04 LTS (long…

  • Custom VPS Image via API

    The RimuHosting server management API can be used to create new servers (and shut them down and reinstall them and more). The API lets you pass in scripts that run during setup.  And to provide links to external files. This lets you do some interesting things.  Like using the API to setup a custom image. …

  • Servers for Hurricane Sandy refugees

    Has your hosting been affected by Hurricane Sandy?  We would like to offer you free hosting. Order a server from In the order comments say “My server is affected by Hurricane Sandy.  May I please have the $50 credit.” We will verify that server has been ‘Sandy-ized’, apply the credit and setup your…

  • Installing Oracle RDBMS Server

    Oracle is a very popular database.  Particularly for enterprise customers running on dedicated servers with lots of CPU and fast RAID setups. This tutorial will guide you to install Oracle database server on CentOS Linux distro.  Hopefully the steps are simple enough that even a technically minded non-DBA can get the database installed. Oracle RDBMS…

  • Zonomi DNS TTL improvements

    There have been a few updates to the Zonomi service (and RimuHosting’s DNS as well after the next code push there).  These changes have been added to help address improve the service for a few ‘niche/advanced’ users. Time To Live (TTL) edits TTL values tell name servers how long they can cache DNS results before…

  • Burning Man – Chris Twemlow from All Things Web

    Some of you may recall us giving out or swapping shirts in previous posts, some of the shirts have been photographed in some amazing places. Chris Twemlow from has  just emailed us in this beauty of him at a recent Burning Man Got an interesting location with one of our shirts? grab one from , and email us the…

  • WordPress install script

    We like wordpress, a lot of our customers love it too. WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog, it is normally called a CMS too. We have created a script for automating the install of the last version of wordpress, even though installing wordpress is quite a trivial…

  • SSH keys on new servers

    You can now set your public ssh key(s) at .  These keys will automatically be added to new server setups.  And the keys can be used when you enable a server’s console-over-vps feature. SSH keys are great when you want to avoid re-entering passwords every time you log into a server.  The Ubuntu team…

  • RimuHosting is hiring!

    We are fortunate to have a lot of great customers.  In fact we are lucky enough to have enough of you that we are actually getting pretty darned busy. So we are looking to add another sysadmin or two to help out.  This position is for our Cambridge, NZ office.  But there may be an…

  • Up-sized VPS options in Australia

    We are happy to announce that we have had some super fast servers land in Brisbane with a ton of memory.  As a result we can now offer even faster servers with more memory for less money.  Isn’t Moore’s law great? See: We recently spec-ed out, built and shipped a bunch of new Jaketown…