Tag: mail


    Did you know anyone can send an email impersonating your email address? Back in 1971 when ’email’ was invented and later when it was connected to the Internet both email users knew each other. Since then spammers and other bad actors started to abuse this ‘feature’. And since then some new mechanisms have been added…

  • SSLv3 and securing against Poodle

    If you are using SSL in your web server, you probably want to read this. Google recently published details about an attack that targets SSLv3. The exploit first allows attackers to initiate a “downgrade dance” that tells the client that the server doesn’t support the more secure TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol and forces it…

  • Migrating email between IMAP accounts

    Often when people switch servers, or move to new providers, transferring email can be problematic. If you are using POP3, the email is already on your personal computer, however if you are using IMAP then you are stuck trying to add a second account and drag and drop for each user, or similar. Never fear,there…

  • Debugging broken mail daemons

    Getting bounced mail? here let me try and explain a few of the more common problems. Have you added the domain to accept mail? You need to add the domain into the mail server so it knows to accept email for it. If it accepts mail for every domain then its fairly easy for somebody…

  • External MX Records

    I see this particular problem about once or twice a day it seems and probably have for as long as I’ve worked at Rimu. Sometimes customers opt to have their email handled via a 3rd party mail service (google apps, for example).  If the hostname of your server is example.com and you’re trying to send…

  • Spam Addresses

    I hate spam.  I really hate spam.  I guess everybody can relate to that.  I not only hate spam, but I don’t like receiving correspondence from some website that made me register to view some content or post a message, some site that that I’ve ordered from or any other place that I’ve had to…

  • Unsure who is sending spam? Try this

    Anyone who has hosted peoples websites before, has had  either a blog hacked, or some guy thinking he is going to send mass mailouts using PHP or similar happen. Its extremely hard to trackdown and deal with, and yet it can get your server listed at spam service denying legitimate email from getting through. This…