Tag: nginx

  • WordPress + nginx quick setup

    WordPress is a very popular blogging platform. We have a number of posts on how to set it up and keep it up to date on here already. In general those methods focus on deploying under the Apache web server. Recently we were pointed to a scripted method developed by they guys at rtcamp.com. They…

  • Monitoring your server

    Its always a good option to have monitoring, and there are a lot of options available. If you are interested in uptime and notifications, you can use a service like http://pingability.com If you are interested in making sure services are up and running, and have more time to spare there are a lot of amazing…

  • nginx hacking using proxy

    It sucks getting hacked Every now and then servers get hacked. Often because of an exploitable webapp, or because (most commonly) a weak, easily guessable password was used on a well known user account (like ‘root’ or ‘info’ or ‘test’). Once hackers gain access they often install some kind of malware. e.g. something that goes…