Tag: ssh

  • Using Ansible to manage your VPSs – Part One

    Ansible is a system to automate the updating of server configurations and other administration tasks.  In this post I’ll explain what’s necessary to get started with Ansible, creating a configuration structure, telling Ansble about your hosts and running ad-hock commands on multiple hosts. Ansible is useful when you have 3 or more VPSs and need…

  • SSH keys on new servers

    You can now set your public ssh key(s) at http://rimuhosting.com/cp/sshkeys.jsp .  These keys will automatically be added to new server setups.  And the keys can be used when you enable a server’s console-over-vps feature. SSH keys are great when you want to avoid re-entering passwords every time you log into a server.  The Ubuntu team…

  • Saving some typing and time with SSH configs

    If you are like me, then you may find yourself connecting via SSH to multiple machines a lot during the day. There is an easy way to make short cuts to save you remembering ip addresses, user names, or other things. This tutorial is for people using Linux primarily, people using Windows should be able…

  • PCI compliance – a basic HOWTO

    A lot of people are wanting to be PCI compliant these days, and this is generally a good thing. PCI compliance is not just a server spec, but a list of procedures, policies, controls over access to data. Therefore the server side is only one part of the process. It can be expensive and time…

  • Setting up Monit + with tomcat

    We get asked a lot by customers to install and setup monit. Its not an overly hard task, in fact its pretty darned easy. Monit is brilliant for monitoring and restarting services when they are down, it can alert you or just restart after 5 failed connects/attempts. It handles everything from disk space, to memory,…

  • Keeping your SSH session alive

    We’re working on servers all day everyday, mostly by SSH. This can be annoying when you switch tabs and then want to go back to another and its timed you out and dead. A nice quick shortcut to kill that session is to type in ‘~.’ This needs to be on a new line so…