Postfixadmin – debian – mysql and errors
A lot of our users use postfixadmin, it means email users are in the database, its easy to use, easy to admin. However the setup can be a little tricky for those not used to it. If you want to have a go doing it yourself, we have a great tutorial here http://rimuhosting.com/knowledgebase/linux/mail/postfixadmin Today however…
Rimuhosting Summer Soccer 2009
Every year the staff at rimuhosting.com head offices are made to do this thing called exercise. It apparently keeps us fit and healthy and makes our brain work or some such. Either way, its a legitimate way to beat the crap out of our workmates and other innocent gamers using a ball as our weapon,…
Evading Webapp Vulnerability Scans
Most attackers aren’t after your digital property or information stored on your server. They’re mostly after your server for its resources to send spam, host phishing sites or launch attacks against other servers. So unless you’re running a high profile site or have managed to anger a malcontent, your server likely isn’t going to be…
Upgrading to Karmic Koala ? VPS broken? Heres the fix!
If you upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10, and rebooted, and it hasn’t come back up, here’s what to do The first thing you try is the console https://rimuhosting.com/cp/vps/console.jsp . Add your key or setup a password and then ssh into the host it gives you to see if you actually have this problem. If you can…