wordpress & wordpress MU mass upgrade script 2.9.2

Okay, I have rolled the usual ‘upgrade all instances of wordpress’ script.

In this version i finally got around to checking the permissions prior to updating and changing the ownership of them back to that owner afterwards. This was breaking things and could be rather annoying before if you had more than 5  sites to fix permissions on.

Also, I did a database check to make sure your schema is the latest version, if not it will display the upgrade.php link which will do it for you (before it just showed that regardless)

Let me know if you have any bugs at all, or any problems.

Here’s your script to upgrade them all.
wget http://b.ri.mu/files/wordpress-upgrade-2.9.2.sh ; sh wordpress-upgrade-2.9.2.sh

Because the wordpress mu previous version has one less number (it shows up as 2.8.5 rather than ) you may notice that it says
You have version 2.8.5’; located at /path/etc

Just ignore it, its not going to matter. so long as the version isn’t current. it needs to be upgraded :)

2 responses to “wordpress & wordpress MU mass upgrade script 2.9.2”

  1. I got the following error:
    wordpress-upgrade-2.9.2.sh: line 96: [: missing `]’

    I think you just missed a space.
    if [ “$db_ver” -lt ${CURRENT_DBVER}]; then
    should be:
    if [ “$db_ver” -lt ${CURRENT_DBVER} ]; then