While I was kicking back camping in Yosemite Justin here has been ‘messing about’ with CSS on our Pingability web check and alert service. Bringing it from my 2003 design to something a little more contemporary. Thanks, Justin.

Pingability lets you monitor your websites pages, check that things are running OK, and alert you (via email, txt or phone) when they are not. It supports SSH actions (so you it can, say, SSH in and restart apache/mysql or reboot your server) if a web page stops responding. And it can check things like email servers are working, DNS is returning results, and ports are open. There are free and paid options.
3 responses to “Pingability Facelift”
That is a *vast* improvement!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rimuhosting, Ivan Meredith and Ivan Meredith, Peter Bryant. Peter Bryant said: We've given Pingability, our web check and alert service, a facelift http://blog.rimuhosting.com/2010/07/29/pingability-facelift/ […]
Heh, cheers, Ed. Change is good.