Know an open source developer that is looking to launch their application? Help them out by nominating them in our Launchtime VPS twitter competition.
Yesterday we , the VPS-focused RimuHosting website.
Today we would like to help some open source software developers launch their own website. Competition-style for a bit of fun.
Up for grabs: three hosting credit packages. $400, $300 and $200.
To qualify: the recipient must be an open source developer.
To win: your community members, users, friends and followers just tweet a nomination. The most nominations wins. :)
e.g. click these to nominate a developer you think is worthy:
Competition Closed Thanks for the interest everyone. This competition is now over. If you are an open source developer with an interesting project you want to launch then we are keen to support you. Email us, tell us about the open source-related site (or blog) you are launching and ask if we can contribute a hosting credit.
Tweet @nomineeshandle Thanks for your work on #projectname I vote you get a #launchtimevps server
Tweet @nomineeshandle I nominate you for a #launchtimevps server
Tweet @nomineeshandle you deserve a #launchtimevps server
Tweet @nomineeshandle I vote for you for a #launchtimevps server
Tweet I nominate myself for a #launchtimevps VPS server. Retweet to vote for me
And here is what you are voting for:

Launchtime is RimuHosting’s VPS-focused website. It features a new ordering page. That makes it easy to order and install a server with exactly the resources you need, in the data center that makes the most sense for you.
Fine print:
- The open source developer recipient must be currently involved in their project. They do not have to be the sole or lead developer. But they would need to be putting regular, recent, decent effort into the project. We would expect the developer is writing an app. Or maybe involved in distro packaging.
- Current RimuHosting customers are not eligible. We will do something separate and even funner for you shortly…
- Hosting credits can only be used for regular shared VPS hosting fees (not dedicated servers or semi-dedicated servers). And not against any data transfer fees.
- This is supposed to be a bit of fun. Do not do anything that is all yucky and spammy.
- We will use our twitter-foo to do our best to count up the nominations and try to ensure each is accounted for correctly. This process might be a bit fuzzy. We will be searching for the #launchtime topic.
- Re-tweets will count as a nomination.
- Only a handful of tweets will count per user. (Again, don’t go all spammy on us).
- We will accept self nominations :)
- If a winning nominee doesn’t take the server inside of a few days, we will give the prize to someone else.
- The nomination needs to include a url back to this blog post. So it is clear to people what is going on.
- The competition will close no later than next Wednesday Dec 22 (UTC). And may close earlier depending on how we feel.
- We will keep this post updated with results and info and news.