Finding spam sending PHP scripts on your server
Everyone has the occasional user who may leave something on their server that may send spam, or not update things as fast as they should. Tracking down the spammer can be a real problem though. Sometimes you can track down the domain, but not the script, other times they may have so many files that…
Installing Oracle RDBMS Server
Oracle is a very popular database. Particularly for enterprise customers running on dedicated servers with lots of CPU and fast RAID setups. This tutorial will guide you to install Oracle database server on CentOS Linux distro. Hopefully the steps are simple enough that even a technically minded non-DBA can get the database installed. Oracle RDBMS…
Zonomi DNS TTL improvements
There have been a few updates to the Zonomi service (and RimuHosting’s DNS as well after the next code push there). These changes have been added to help address improve the service for a few ‘niche/advanced’ users. Time To Live (TTL) edits TTL values tell name servers how long they can cache DNS results before…
WordPress mass update script 3.4.2
This script will search /var/www (changeable in a variable) for any wordpress installs and make sure its upgraded to the latest version. It will run a backup to /root/wp_upgrade/ of all files and database before doing anything with the site in case of major catastrophe (make sure you have spare disk space if your sites…
Burning Man – Chris Twemlow from All Things Web
Some of you may recall us giving out or swapping shirts in previous posts, some of the shirts have been photographed in some amazing places. Chris Twemlow from http://allthingsweb.co.nz/ has just emailed us in this beauty of him at a recent Burning Man Got an interesting location with one of our shirts? grab one from http://www.cafepress.com/rimuhosting , and email us the…
WordPress install script
We like wordpress, a lot of our customers love it too. WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog, it is normally called a CMS too. We have created a script for automating the install of the last version of wordpress, even though installing wordpress is quite a trivial…