Author: Liz Quilty

  • WordPress mass update script 3.4.1

    This script will search /var/www (changeable in a variable) for any wordpress installs and make sure its upgraded to the latest version. It will run a backup to /root/wp_upgrade/ of all files and database before doing anything with the site in case of major catastrophe (make sure you have spare disk space if your sites…

  • Emailed backup of a database via cron – Attaching files via command line

    Sometimes people want an easy offsite backup option for important databases or files, and having a cron to automate that can be helpful. One of our customers had such a case so i wrote a shell script which emailed him a copy of his database every day. Since i thought it was a handy thing…

  • WordPress mass update script 3.4

    This script will search /var/www (changeable in a variable) for any wordpress installs and make sure its upgraded to the latest version. It will run a backup to /root/wp_upgrade/ of all files and database before doing anything with the site in case of major catastrophe (make sure you have spare disk space if your sites…

  • Restarting Apache on deploy

    Often we have customers who have larger websites they deploy, or even multiple websites they deploy , and they need the apache cache cleaned or even the application restarted. Often the reason people want this is so developers do not need to login with SSH, do not need root access, and things are just a…

  • Saving some typing and time with SSH configs

    If you are like me, then you may find yourself connecting via SSH to multiple machines a lot during the day. There is an easy way to make short cuts to save you remembering ip addresses, user names, or other things. This tutorial is for people using Linux primarily, people using Windows should be able…

  • Setting up Domains Keys (DKIM) on Postfix

    This is a quick and fairly painless way of setting up DKIM, on a postfix server. DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a method for associating a domain name to an email message, thereby allowing a person, role, or organization to claim some responsibility for the message and helps verify that your mail is legitimate. This…

  • Mysql Master/Master Replication & File sync for quick easy scaling or load balance

    A lot of our customers often need a quick easy way to scale up without moving to a new host or changing IP, or even just want an overseas copy of their site, so this is a brief tutorial on how to duplicate your server, and have the database and files replicate between the 2…

  • Wordcamp New Zealand – Scaling Servers

     On the 22nd of April, I (Liz) was lucky enough to be able to speak on scaling WordPress and servers at the New Zealand WordCamp. The people there were great, and i ended up meeting and talking to many fascinating people about all sorts of code, servers, set ups among other things. I was a…

  • WordPress mass update script 3.3.2

    This script will search /var/www (changeable in a variable) for any wordpress installs and make sure its upgraded to the latest version. It will run a backup to /root/wp_upgrade/ of all files and database before doing anything with the site in case of major catastrophe (make sure you have spare disk space if your sites…

  • The Great T-Shirt Swap – Instructables

    Well, we got the first shirts in the door today, thanks to our great friends over at Here is a picture of a few of the office staff (not all of them) located in Cambridge wearing them.