Category: Rimuhosting

  • The Pool table that never happened

    Now here’s a story about how awesome our boss Peter is, and how our offices are just a little to hard to get too at times .. Once apon a time, Rimuhosting was based in a room in Peters house (like all good start-up companies). Eventually he gained the trust of many  customers and made…

  • Congratulations to RailsBridge bug mashers

    Congratulations to Josh, Marshall, and Jordan who each won one of the RimuHosting-supplied prizes at the recent RailsBridge BugMash. The BugMash was to identify, narrow down, reproduce, provide test cases and patch Rails bugs.  From their site: Here’s how it will work: the BugMash will run over the weekend of August 8-9. The Rails team…

  • WordPress Upgrade Script

    Heres a little Shell Script I wrote which, if run, will check your entire server for insecure versions of wordpress.  If it finds any, it will give you the option to upgrade. If you say yes it will backup the existing sites file and database in /root/wp_upgrade and upgrade it. Please Note: This has not…