Rimuhosting May 2015 newsletter
A recap of recent improvements We have been doing some major networking upgrades over in Dallas. Lots of 10G fiber being run. More uplink capacity. More capacity between servers. We have expanded our global presence to Frankfurt. You can order a VM there. Or we can provide custom quotes for dedicated servers there. Intel keeps…
May 2012 RimuHosting newsletter
RimuHosting server specials and news Intel released their new dual processor Sandy Bridge platform, ‘the fastest server CPU you can get in a reasonably priced server’. And of course we are now making those available to our customers. Pricing from $369.00/m. Intel have been busy. They also released (and we are now offering) their new…
RimuHosting News 2010 to April 2011
Hi. Every now and then we send out a newsletter. The last one was in December 2009. Since then we have added a lot of cool new features and services that you may find helpful. 8 years old and lots of recent improvements RimuHosting just passed its 8th year anniversary in March (that’s 1000 years…
RimuHosting December 2009 newsletter
This post is a copy of the newsletter just sent out to customers. News in brief We are now offering hosting based out of Auckland, New Zealand. http://blog.rimuhosting.com/2009/11/20/rimuhosting-launches-nz-based-vps-hosting/ In November we launched the RimuHosting cloud server management API. Create servers, shut them down, reboot them, fetch a server status. We have written wrappers/drivers for libcloud,…