Debian Stretch and old installs
We have had Debian 9 images available since shortly after it became available. But missed announcing it. So here it is, Debian 9 is code named “Stretch” and is available as a setup option on all our plans. As with other newer images, there is only a 64 bit image for new setups or re-installs.…
Finding Exploits and Trojan php hacks on a website
Its always unfortunate when you are exploited, and the best method to fix a site is to wipe and restore from a known backup as well as track down the entry point they gained access and fix it. Sometimes you need to ‘clean’ a site of these files before migrating things over however , or…
Finding spam sending PHP scripts on your server
Everyone has the occasional user who may leave something on their server that may send spam, or not update things as fast as they should. Tracking down the spammer can be a real problem though. Sometimes you can track down the domain, but not the script, other times they may have so many files that…
PHP 5.2 on Centos upgrade
Many of our customers request upgrading php to the latest stable version. Unfortunately CentOS does not have anything beyond 5.1.* in the official repository. We used to setup the remi repository as per http://rimuhosting.com/howto/php.jsp However, Remi moved on to the latest 5.3 branch. Unfortunately the 5.3 branch is not compatible with most php CMS/blogs out…
Announcing the RimuHosting REST-ful API
Announcing the RimuHosting API The RimuHosting API is an programmable interface to manage some of RimuHosting services. It lets you do things like setup new VPSs, add memory or disk to existing VPSs, check your data transfer usage, grab host server load stats, reboot servers, and most other actions that until now you could only…
Unsure who is sending spam? Try this
Anyone who has hosted peoples websites before, has had either a blog hacked, or some guy thinking he is going to send mass mailouts using PHP or similar happen. Its extremely hard to trackdown and deal with, and yet it can get your server listed at spam service denying legitimate email from getting through. This…