• SSLv3 and securing against Poodle

    If you are using SSL in your web server, you probably want to read this. Google recently published details about an attack that targets SSLv3. The exploit first allows attackers to initiate a “downgrade dance” that tells the client that the server doesn’t support the more secure TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol and forces it…

  • Getting Started with Docker

    Written by Andrew Colin Kissa Introduction We’re happy to announce the availability of Docker support on our VPS installations. In this blog post, we aim to introduce you to Docker one of the most exciting and powerful open-source projects that has sprung up in the recent years. In a nutshell, Docker offers you the tools to…

  • Centos 7 Release – Whats New

    Hot on the heels of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 release the Centos team have put out Centos 7 and now we are happy to offer a Centos 7 VM image on our control panel.  You can select it on new installs and also on re-installs. This has been a long awaited update due…

  • Connecting to MySQL from external sources + IPTables

    By default, MySQL only allows local connections. This is due to security, and for the most part works just fine for most people. Ideally you can use things like PHPMyAdmin for things like this, or even command line. Occasionally people need to connect from externally, either from a web front end, or some other PC,…

  • Sync live sites to in-house dev servers

    One of our customer found it tedious to sync his live websites to his dev servers, it involved using FTP (since he had no version control) as well as the database. The files were over 2GB by themselves, so it could be a time consuming task. As a result he asked us for a solution,…

  • Two Factor Authentication

    We have just added optional two factor authentication to the RimuHosting control panel. You can enable it at http://rimuhosting.com/cp/twofactor.jsp It uses Time-based One Time Password (TOTP) so you will need an application like Google Authenticator or Authy. To enable 2FA scan the QR code to your TOTP application then enter the 6 digit token your…

  • Preventing brute force WordPress login attacks

    Over the last month or two we have seen an increase in WordPress brute force login attacks. The symptom is typically higher CPU usage on your server (often resulting in slower page load times). It can be particularly painful on servers running php through fast CGI (like Plesk server setups). For a good summary of…

  • NTP servers and DoS Attacks

    NTP servers have been in the news over the New Year, as security sites and social media talk about potential attacks. This is important because many linux servers run ntpd to help keep their clock time correct. One of the first reports and some solutions are clearly described on litnet … In LITNET we recently…

  • Linux.conf.au – LCA2014 Perth visit (Part 2)

    This page is a continuation of Page 1 One thing i will say about perth, it gets fairly hot! The first Monday was about 36C outside, which is pretty bad when you are walking long distance between buildings with a laptop on your back (or in my case, a large 17″ laprock!) Luckily for us,…

  • Linux.conf.au – LCA2014 Perth visit (Part 1)

    Recently i started talking to an amazing bunch of people, who had proposed, and been accepted to host the next Linux.conf.au in Auckland, New Zealand. I immediately requested to help, and be a part since i really love this sort of thing, and i want to give back. Since the whole idea was still very…