• Running Vagrant in your VPS

    Vagrant is often used to set up development environments in a standardized way, so that your software project deployed via vagrant has a standard environment with all the operating system components and set-up it needs to work properly. It creates a virtual machine to provide this environment, so that different developers can work on it…

  • Getting help

    The following conversation plays out in our inbox and Live Chat a good few times a week. In fact, you may have received a link to this post from one of those places. If so, then the dialog below could be an easy way for you to better understand your situation and to get the…

  • Restoring an Exploited WordPress files

    I previously had a 10 step process to replace all the files in a wordpress, this got rid of most file based exploits. Since then i have written a shell script that pretty much incorperates that wget http://blog.rimuhosting.com/files/restorewordpress.sh chmod +x restorewordpress.sh ./restorewordpress.sh /full/path/to/documentroot Note: This does not do custom themes or plugins (only ones from…

  • Free Kubernetes hosting for developers

    RimuHosting are working on a command line tool set to easily setup and manage a Kubernetes cluster.  We are currently in a trial phase. During this phase we will be providing free Kubernetes cluster hosting to developers needing an easy-to-setup, publicly-accessible Kubernetes cluster to hack on. Just email support at rimuhosting, mention this blog post…

  • Kubernetes support on RimuHosting VMs

    “Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of “labels” and “pods”, it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management…

  • RimuHosting offering CoreOS

    You can now order RimuHosting VMs running CoreOS! CoreOS lets you provide startup ‘recipies’ (via cloud init files) to automatically install and provision container based micro services and applications.  You can use tools like fleet and kubernetes to manage clusters of CoreOS servers. Setting up a CoreOS server is easy.  You just use our regular…

  • Letting 3rd parties update credit card details

    Some of our customers pay for their servers using a 3rd party’s credit card (their boss’, partner’s or a generous friend’s). Every now and then those details need to get updated (new CC expiry dates, or a replacement card).   You can now let 3rd parties set their credit card details on our site without…

  • DebConf15 Report

    Camera Canon EOS 650D We love Debian.  A lot.  In fact we make it our recommended distro.  We do that since it makes it easy to deploy, and maintain most recent packages resulting in fewer sysadmin headaches for us and our customers. This year we decided to send a delegation of one (Juan Rossi) to…

  • Jobs at RimuHosting!

    RimuHosting is looking for experienced Linux sysadmins to provide support to our hosting customers as well as to help build and maintain our global hosting infrastructure.

  • July 2015 brings more resources, less money

    We have just tweaked 0ur pricing.  You can now get more memory and disk for the same money!  New order pricing starts from $12/m for a minimally configured VM.  On the VM Hosting Budget plan on average you will be getting 15% more memory. For customers with existing VMs on shared hosts check our upgrade…