Tag: automatic

  • Security at home – encrypted home directories

    This isn’t directly server related at all, more for the home or office user who wants to make sure things are nice and secure. At the office we like to also make sure our desktops are fairly safe to connect from as well, mostly  in case the machines ever get stolen, we know our data…

  • WordPress & WordPress MU mass upgrade script 3.0

    Sorry for the slower than usual update this time. I was rather busy/sidetracked and left it for a day or two before doing it. Since it wasn’t a exploit fix release i figured it wasn’t a major. Anyway, here goes the new wordpress mass upgrade script. I no longer have a wordpress MU available to…

  • WordPress 2.9.1 mass upgrade script

    Okay, I have rolled the usual ‘upgrade all instances of wordpress’ script. Heres your script to upgrade them all. wget http://b.ri.mu/files/wordpress-upgrade-2.9.1.sh ; sh wordpress-upgrade-2.9.1.sh Because the previous version has one less number (it shows up as 2.9 rather than 2.9.0 ) you may notice that it says You have version 29.’; located at /path/etc Just…