WordPress & WordPress MU mass upgrade script 3.0

Sorry for the slower than usual update this time. I was rather busy/sidetracked and left it for a day or two before doing it. Since it wasn’t a exploit fix release i figured it wasn’t a major.

Anyway, here goes the new wordpress mass upgrade script. I no longer have a wordpress MU available to test on, it should technically work, but let me know if there are any problems at all with it.

This script will search /var/www (changeable in a variable) for any wordpress install and make sure its upgraded to the latest version. It pays to check each site after the upgrade to make sure plugins all worked (and upgrade plugins before the upgrade works also!). This version has a database change so i have forced the $sitename/upgrade.php call with a wget to save you some time. This occasionally fails, for no reason i can find, so it pays to check this.

Let me know if you have any bugs at all, or any problems.

Here’s your script to upgrade them all.

wget http://b.ri.mu/files/wordpress-upgrade-3.0.sh 
sh wordpress-upgrade-3.0.sh

Next time I may endeavour to see if i can script putting sites into maintaince mode, disable plugins, upgrade etc :)

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