Custom VPS Image via API
The RimuHosting server management API can be used to create new servers (and shut them down and reinstall them and more). The API lets you pass in scripts that run during setup. And to provide links to external files. This lets you do some interesting things. Like using the API to setup a custom image. …
Finding Exploits and Trojan php hacks on a website
Its always unfortunate when you are exploited, and the best method to fix a site is to wipe and restore from a known backup as well as track down the entry point they gained access and fix it. Sometimes you need to ‘clean’ a site of these files before migrating things over however , or…
Blocking malicious crawlers or scrapers in Apache
Occasionally we see a customer who has a popular website that often gets people trying to crawl it and copy the lot, This has the unfortunate side effect that its hammering the site. Made worse only by dynamic pages and loops this can literally take down a server in some occasions. Often you can slow…
WordPress mass update script 3.2.1
This script will search /var/www (changeable in a variable) for any wordpress installs and make sure its upgraded to the latest version. It will run a backup to /root/wp_upgrade/ of all files and database before doing anything with the site in case of major catastrophe (make sure you have spare disk space if your sites…
WordPress mass update script 3.1.4
This script will search /var/www (changeable in a variable) for any wordpress installs and make sure its upgraded to the latest version. It will run a backup to /root/wp_upgrade/ of all files and database before doing anything with the site in case of major catastrophe (make sure you have spare disk space if your sites…
WordPress & WordPress MU mass upgrade script 3.0
Sorry for the slower than usual update this time. I was rather busy/sidetracked and left it for a day or two before doing it. Since it wasn’t a exploit fix release i figured it wasn’t a major. Anyway, here goes the new wordpress mass upgrade script. I no longer have a wordpress MU available to…
WordPress 2.9.1 mass upgrade script
Okay, I have rolled the usual ‘upgrade all instances of wordpress’ script. Heres your script to upgrade them all. wget http://b.ri.mu/files/wordpress-upgrade-2.9.1.sh ; sh wordpress-upgrade-2.9.1.sh Because the previous version has one less number (it shows up as 2.9 rather than 2.9.0 ) you may notice that it says You have version 29.’; located at /path/etc Just…
Quick and Easy Automatic Backup Script
At Rimuhosting we do a weekly snapshot backup of your VPS. This means that if anything goes wrong you can revert to the previous image. However since its weekly, not daily, you may find you have lost the data between those dates. This is a backup script that will backup your database and required files…
Small Shell Script for monitoring
A customer wanting to do basic monitoring , i had a google and found the following script which is very handy. #!/bin/bash # # Script to notify admin user if Linux,FreeBSD load crossed certain limit # It will send an email notification to admin. # # Copyright 2005 (c) nixCraft project # This is free…
Adding timestamps to your bash history
Often we’ve had boxes compromised, or commands run that we have no idea who did it and at what time. Its very frustrating, especially when we have no idea if a customer did it, one of the staff, or if a box was compromised. Glenn found this little snippet which is now default in all…