Update: Carl has posted some 10.04 upgrade instructions in our howtos section. As often happens, some things happen when you upgrade, and its not always desirable when its a production server. We try and catch these for you and post something to help fix anything that may go wrong. The problem requires a kernel change…
At RimuHosting we’re big consumers of hard drives. Seems live every couple of weeks we are getting a couple of dozen ‘extra’ drives. (And note that when we buy servers we will typcally get them with two drives). We get most of our ‘extra’ drives from Newegg. Lately we have been noticing some pretty high…
We have some users who own VPS who dont want to fork out for automated systems like Plesk or Virtualmin, but dont really want to deal with adding domains and email addresses all the time (and sometimes get lost) I decided today after one such user emailed us to add another 3 domains and bunch…
A bit of a cheeky request… I’m looking for something that will import a BIND zone file in our name servers. Anyone interested in having a crack at that? I’m imagining something like a bash/perl/ruby/python script that parses a BIND zone file then uses our DNS api per http://rimuhosting.com/dns/dyndns.jsp to pop the values into our…
I’ve seen a few times clients with lots of web traffic struggling, and in some cases they had some advance stuff like load-balancing and memcached, and they didn’t even have compressed html! To me is puzzling that many people don’t have it when it takes a couple lines of code and saves typically a good…
Like a lot of software developers I take an interest in copyright issues. I read the odd article, watch Linus and Richard debate GPL3, and was even once motivated enough to make a submission on another recent NZ copyright bill. The New Zealand government has a bill on the table looking at file sharing. One…
A lot of customers are realizing that having 1 single VPS is great, but if for some reason it goes down and crashes, customers are left wondering what happened. Whilst rimuhosting monitor long term excessive CPU useage, it might be an hour before we realize a VPS has had an OOM error (out of memory)…
A lot of our customers have asked for firewalls, and since this is a common theme, i decided that I would help them out. Of course it can be a mission to learn how to make your own and what to do or not do, and some of the pre-made ones can be confusing. So…
When our great leader Peter set out to take over the world with his new and awesome hosting company (ok, maybe it wasnt quiet like that .. but it makes a great story!) , he decide that he wanted it to have a Kiwi/NZ flavour. He set up several companies and named them all after…
Okay, I have rolled the usual ‘upgrade all instances of wordpress’ script. In this version i finally got around to checking the permissions prior to updating and changing the ownership of them back to that owner afterwards. This was breaking things and could be rather annoying before if you had more than 5 sites to…