Category: Rimuhosting

  • Unknown Password Change – diagnostics

    Often numerous people have access to an account, developers, owners, system administrators. Occasionally they do things, they maybe shouldn’t – like changing the password – leaving all other people in the loop out. When this happens its always good to make sure that you know who changed that password – because if it was not…

  • Woop! WordPress hosting launch

    Today we launch our Woop! WordPress hosting service. We are pretty excited about this. Many of our RimuHosting customers run WordPress on the VMs they host with us. That makes sense since 30% of the world’s sites run on WordPress. For over a decade we have been working with these customers to keep their WordPress…

  • Business as usual in the Covid-19 pandemic

    For customers using RimuHosting services, we don’t expect the covid-19 pandemic will have any impact on our provision of services for you to use. Existing servers are continuing to operate as normal and for now, provision of new services is also operating as normal. We have spare capacity available to cater for extra demand. It…

  • CentOS 8 available

    The long awaited release of CentOS 8 64bit is now available with new installs from our order pages at It’s also an option to consider if you reinstall an existing VPS. CentOS8 was formally released on 24 Sep 2019. The official release notes are available at CentOS8 will be supported until 30 Sep…

  • Finding and auto updating wordpress / themes / plugins with wp-cli

    For many years I have maintained a shell script that checks and can update wordpress. Its great, it needs nearly nothing and is handy for basic diagnosis, however its not good as something that can update things on a cron so well which multiple people have asked about.

  • Running WordPress as a Docker Stack

    In the advent of containerized applications it can be quite daunting to get started with docker and multiple containers in a cluster. In this post we will go through some of the terminology and how to get started in a simplified case for a single host, multiple containers application stack, with containers for wordpress, mysql…

  • LCA2019 round up

    Every year the staff at Rimu look forward to the latest conference. Some of us go in person, some watch online, but we all love it, and love to catch up with whats going on. This year it was in Christchurch and Juan and I (Liz) went down to attend in person. CULTURE Christchurch…

  • Your Let’s Encrypt client used ACME TLS-SNI-01 domain validation to issue

    Are you seeing this message about your server ? Action may be required to prevent your Let’s Encrypt certificate renewalsfrom breaking.If you already received a similar e-mail, this one contains updatedinformation.Your Let’s Encrypt client used ACME TLS-SNI-01 domain validation to issuea certificate in the past 60 days This is an issue caused by the certbot binary being out…

  • Solve Letsencrypt (including Certbot) problems caused by rogue .htaccess files

    At RimuHosting we’re enthusiastic about how Let’s Encrypt gives website owners a great way to secure their websites. And certbot is the tool we usually recommend to get a Let’s Encrypt certificate. We find it’s easy to use and works well on recent distributions. However, sometimes issuing or renewing a certificate fails. A common reason…

  • New Zealand-Based RimuHosting — Striving to Help Tech-Savvy Businesses Across the Globe Put Down Their Roots for Strong Online Growth

    At RimuHosting it is our mission to help take the hassle out of our customer’s hosting. In a recent Hosting Advice article Christine Preusler touches on our 24×7 support, our global network of data centres and our customer focussed attention to detail.             A top-10 website hosting review focuses on our…