Debian 8 (Jessie) available
We now have a Debian 8 image available for new VM setups and reinstalls. Debian 8 is code named “Jessie”. There is only a 64 bit image. Most customers are now ordering 64 bit distros. And some distros only come in a 64 bit flavor now, e.g. Centos 7. Debian 8 is also an option…
Linux 4.0 kernel available
On the http://rimuhosting.com/cp/vps/kernel.jsp page you can now select the 4.0 kernel for your VM. Includes: OverlayFS, carries on with support required for Docker and SELinux, lots of new nf/eb table options, openvswitch, nfs4 support and too many other new kernel tweaks to mention. Plus newer, fresher kernel code with lots of fixes to bugs (which…
Dallas network upgrade
Dallas is our busiest location. We have many, many cabinets there filled with wonderfully shiny servers (all black, as befits our Kiwi origins). That setup has grown somewhat organically since 2005. Our core networking wiring was starting to be a little scary. And network capacity (ports and bandwidth was staring to be an issue). So…
Brute force SSH protection
We have implemented some brute force SSH attack protection on VMs. Your servers should start to receive fewer connections from bots trying to bruteforce crack passwords on your server user accounts. Behind the scenes we have setup honey trap servers. Botnets with no good reason to connect to these servers attempt to connect to the…
Tuning apache for production use
Apache is probably the most common web service our customers use. It is an amazingly powerful and mature tool for serving all your website needs. And is very easy to get up and running with Our team is often asked to tune apache to run more smoothly, more quickly, and more reliably. With a few…
deghost ridding the world of the ghost vulnerability one host at a time
As part of our mission to wipe the ‘ghost’ vulnerability (CVE-2015-0235) from our customers servers we have created ‘deghost’. Deghost is a cross-distro script to determine the vulnerability of a libc library on a server and then patch that where possible. https://github.com/pbkwee/distrorejuve In most cases this is as simple as apt-get install libc6 or yum…
RimuHosting adds a Frankfurt presence
We are excited to announce that we now offer servers in Frankfurt, Germany. This will be a great for users wanting a server central to the EU, and complements the plans we already offer in London. You can see more information about the data center at http://rimuhosting.com/datacenters.jsp We are using new generation Haswell-EP based servers…
Next gen Haswell-EP systems available
Intel have just released their next generation dual proc Haswell-EP-based servers. We ordered a batch from our trusty systems integrator. And this morning the servers arrived at our Dallas data center loading dock! Those same servers are now available now on our dedicated server ordering page. Pricing is from USD 409/m with a base config…
Replace webmin self-signed certificate to avoid sec_error_invalid_key error
Recent browser versions (e.g. Firefox 33) refuse to work with older Webmin installs. They give a sec_error_invalid_key error, offer a ‘Try again’ button, but do not offer an option to add an exception. Firefox 33 no longer supports certificates with private keys smaller than 1024 bits. You can replace your webmin certificate with a new…
CPU usage graphs
A quick new feature: You can now view CPU graphs for your VMs the RimuHosting control panel.