• Quick and easy iptables blocking and firewalling basics

    A customer emailed in today had noticed somebody trying to hack or crash his VPS. He tracked it down to one particular IP address but didnt know how to block him. There are several things you can do to block him, the long term solution and better option is probably using a firewall like iptables.…

  • Dallas networking improvements

    This is a heads up about some networking improvements (at Dallas) we will be making over the weekend. In Dallas we take a network feed from our upstream providers.  That feeds into our ‘core’ networking gear.  And we distribute it from that core gear to the cabinets we operate in Dallas.  The core gear is…

  • Debugging broken mail daemons

    Getting bounced mail? here let me try and explain a few of the more common problems. Have you added the domain to accept mail? You need to add the domain into the mail server so it knows to accept email for it. If it accepts mail for every domain then its fairly easy for somebody…

  • Karmic Koala VPS Images Available

    The latest 6 monthly Ubuntu build, Karmic Koala, was released to the public on Oct, 29th.  That is now an option when ordering a new VPS  or for a fresh install on an existing VPS (contact us if you have questions about retaining your data after the reinstall). If you don’t want to reinstall an…

  • 32bit or 64bit – Choose Your VPS Kernel

    Sometimes we roll out new features in our control panel without announcing them.  We usually do this so that we see a trickle of new users initially which helps identify any bugs or missing functionality before the entire userbase starts hammering the new features.  :) Selecting your VPS kernel bit-edness (32bit or 64bit) is one…

  • Pacman Cookies at Rimuhosting.com

    Last night i spent a while making Pacman cookies, i brought them into the office today. The idea originated from when i was making Xmas Mince pies, i cut the circle then cut a V out so i wouldn’t have leftover dough. Since i was doing a cookie swap at the time i made a…

  • apache modules to help keep your system steady

    libapache2-mod-bw – bandwidth limiting module This module allows you to limit bandwidth usage on every virtual host or directory or to restrict the number of simultaneous connections. The bandwidth control, for example, can be configured according to the criteria: origin of the connection, file extension, file size or user agent of the client. Example: LoadModule…

  • Twitter Competition – Who won?

    The randomly chosen main prize of $100 VPS Hosting credit went to a guy called Simon W  @simon_w – http://simon.geek.nz/ Simon had been desperate to get away from shared hosting. He couldn’t afford to move to his own VPS for another couple of months, so we really happy that he won. We decided because we…

  • RimuHosting launches NZ-based VPS hosting

    I am happy to announce RimuHosting is now offering NZ-based VPS hosting. The plans are listed at http://rimuhosting.com/auckland-servers RimuHosting is an NZ company.  But we have never hosted servers from NZ-before.  Most of our customers (and therefore servers) are over in the US and the UK. So a couple of weeks back had our San…

  • WordPress Update Script – 2.8.6 and WordPress MU

    New WordPress came out last Friday,  Sorry about the delay updating the script. This script will update all instances of wordpress that are not the most current. Run it as root, it will make backups in /root/wp_upgrades of both databases and files in case things go wrong. It will determine if its a WordPress or…